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International Law



Kartei Details

Karten 12
Sprache English
Kategorie Recht
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 18.01.2017 / 18.01.2017
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Public International Law

governs the relationship between states and international entities

Humanitarian law

comprehensive regime dealing with group rights, the treatment of aliens,the rights of refugees, international crimes, nationality problems, and human rights in general. 

Public International Law

Law of nations 

governs the relationship between states and international entities, either as an individual or as a group

Humanitarian law

There is a comprehensive regime dealing with group rights, the treatment of aliens, the rights of refugees, international crimes, nationality problems, and human rights in general. 

Private law

 conflict of laws, is a set of procedural rules and principles which determine which legal system, and the law of which jurisdiction, applies to a given dispute. 

apply when a legal dispute has a foreign element such as a contract agreed by parties located in different countries

Conflict law

used in common law: Canada , USA

Private international law

used in france ,Italy, Geeca and spanish & portuguese speaking countries

International private law

German- speaking, russia, scotland