Limits DA 40
0.0 (0)
Set of flashcards Details
Flashcards | 94 |
Language | Deutsch |
Category | Technology |
Level | Primary School |
Created / Updated | 28.12.2014 / 14.05.2024 |
Licencing | Not defined |
Weblink |
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VBest Glide
engine out: 88 Kts ==> Pitch 2,5
Rotate: Speed controll
55 kts: alleine ==> Pitch: 6 Grad
60kts: 2P. ==> Pitch: 6 Grad
65 kts ab 3P.==> Pitch: 6 Grad
Best Rate of climb: Speed controll
72 kts ==> Pitch 8 Grad
VCruise Climb
Reisesteigflug; Speed controll
90 kt => Load 90% => Pitch 7 Grad
VCruise (normal cruise)
Reiseflug Kurzstrecke; power controll
Load 115 kt => 70 % => Pitch 0
VCruise (long distance)
Reiseflug Langstrecke: Power controlled
105 kt => Load 60% => Pitch 1
VP Clean
Circuit Geschwindigkeit ohne flaps => Speed controll
100 kt ==> Load 45 % => Pitch 2 Grad
VP T/O level
Circuit Geschwindigkeit mit flaps , gerade aus
Speed controll 90 kt => 45% => Pitch: -1