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Innovation- and Changemanagement

CM_InnChang MSE

CM_InnChang MSE

Kartei Details

Karten 84
Sprache Deutsch
Kategorie Psychologie
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 11.01.2021 / 16.01.2021
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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What are the Condratieff cycles about?

In economics, Kondratiev waves (also called supercycles, great surges, long waves, K-waves or the long economic cycle) are hypothesized cycle-like phenomena in the modern world economy.

It is stated that the period of a wave ranges from forty to sixty years, the cycles consist of alternating intervals of high sectoral growth and intervals of relatively slow growth.

Long wave theory is not accepted by most academic economists. Among economists who accept it, there is a lack of agreement about both the cause of the waves and the start and end years of particular waves. Among critics of the theory, the general consensus is that it involves recognizing patterns that may not exist.

What are innovations?




but indispensable (unumgänglich)

Which relation exist between innovations and working tim eper week?

Innovations have led to the halving of the working time per week.

What is the significance of innovation for business administration and entrepreneurship research?

What is the innovation dilemma about?

What are the innovation challenges and their solutions?

Name the innovation management steps:

  1. Generation: It deals almost exclusively with technology management, R&D resource allocatoin, research and development management
  2. Generation: New drivers com efrom the market rather than from technology. Project management methods are developed and applied, and innovation projects are systemtically addressed.
  3. Generation: The innovation strategy becomes an explicit part of the corporate strategy; Innovation planning is now a central corporate function. Project portfolios, integration into business processes, R&D partnerships and strategic R&D management are the tools used to manage innovation.
  4. Generation: Involving customers in the innocation process becomes more important: customer needs and knowledge are used in the development of innovations.
  5. Generation: The generation of innovation networks brings with it a systematic use of internal and external sources of knowledge: The integration of innovation and knowledge management, management of innovation networks and collaborations is used. This was followed by an opening up of innovation processes to involve customer, suppliers, universities, and sometimes even competitors.


Name the BIG FIVE sources of inspiration:

  1. Economics: Einen langfristigen Konjunktur-Wegweiser stellen die Kondratieffzyklen dar, sie identifizieren die Basisinnovationen und Werschöpfungskette für ein eZeitspanne von 40-60 Jahren
  2. Community: Individualisierung, Umweltschutz, Globalisierung, neue Technologien, politische Veränderungen, Finanzkrisen usw. beeinflussen die Bedürfnisse der Menschen, ob Kunden, Mitarbeiter oder Geschäftspartner
  3. Organisations and work: Organisationsstrukturen, Managementmethoden, Arbeitsbedingungen und Anforderungen verändern sich im Kontext der anderen Entwicklungen und können auch Innovationenen initiieren
  4. Technology: Stichwort Industrie4.0, mit den grossen Themen Cloud, Big Data, Hybride Produkte etc.
  5. Market: Stichworte sind; eCommerce, Erwartung an Services, Losgrösse 1, Effizienz, Digitalisierung