Jehlifisch Universität
Jehlifisch Universität
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Set of flashcards Details
Flashcards | 119 |
Language | English |
Category | English |
Level | University |
Created / Updated | 23.06.2015 / 23.06.2015 |
Licencing | Not defined |
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primary industry
- agriculture
- forestry
- mining
secondary industry
- construction and manufacturing
- manufacturing (transformation of raw materials into finished goods)
- capital goods (equipment and machinery used to produce other goods)
- durable goods (car, washing maschines)
- non-durable goods (food, clothing)
service industry
- banking
- entertainment
- tourism
sole trader
- business is owned by one person who is self-employes
- unlimited liability - personally responsible for any debts
- freelancer
Selbständiger / Einzelunternehmen
- two or more people run the business
- lawyers, architects and auditing firms
a limited liability company (Llc)
- legal distinction between the company and the owners
- company is responsible for any debts
- quite small, many family-run businesses
- private company because shares cannot be sold to members of the public
- UK: Ltd = limited
public limited company
- company is owned by shareholders
- large financial institutions
- other companies
- members of the public
- dividends
- capital gain or loss when sell the shares
- large companies
- run by managers under the supervision of a Board
- UK: PLC, US: Inc or Corp
stockholder (US) / shareholder (UK)
- larg financial institutions
- other companies
- members of the public
- dividends
- gain or loss when they sell the stock