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TTX – 19

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Kartei Details

Karten 36
Sprache English
Kategorie Verkehrskunde
Stufe Andere
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 07.05.2016 / 16.01.2023
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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How are vortices created?

lift = pressure differential over the wing surface

roll up over the top – swirl downward – creating wing tip vortices

Of what does a wake consist?

After the rollup is completed, the wake consists of two counter rotating cylindrical vortices

(moving down and sidewards)

What defines strength of vortices? Which one are greatest?

weight, speed and shape of wing (flaps, wing configuring devices)

greatest vortex strength: heavy – clean – slow

What's the general hazard of wake?

induced roll (which can exceed roll control capability)

On what does capability to counteract induced roll depend?

wingspan and counter-control responsiveness of aircraft

How do vortices behave?

Voritces sink at a rate of several hundred feet per minute, slowing their descent and diminishing in strength with time and distance behind the generating aircraft.

What factors increase the probability of a vortex encounter?

- heavy, slow and clean landing aircraft
- leading aircraft making go around
- parallel or crossing runways
- VMC because of reduction in seperation during visual approach
- light crosswind (3-10 kts) or tailwind
- stable atmosphere, temperature inversion (e.g. sunrise)
- flat surrounding terrain
- final descent: tailwind can bring wake vortices back to glide path

The air traffic controller's responsibility is, in fact, extended to any flight phase in which the aircraft is ...... ?
