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Text Analysis

Versuch: 1

Versuch: 1

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 169
Language Deutsch
Category English
Level University
Created / Updated 02.07.2014 / 17.06.2022
Licencing Not defined
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Blessed are the geeks, for they shall inherit the earth

(Obama is making good his promise to welcome scientists into his administration)

- intertextuality to a biblical quote: Sermon on the Mount "blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth"

- the informal term "geeks" is the reference to the scientists 

- not quite homophony "geekS" vs "meek"


Qom all ye faithful

(muted dissent in Iran's holiest city)

- intertextuality: the song "Oh, come, all ye faithful" von John Wade

- homophony: "qom" + "come" = a pun based on homophony!

- Qom = propername, Iran's holiest city

- the term "faithful" is the reference to the holy city



Kim Jong ill or Kim Jong Well

(North Korea: Fresh speculation about the Dear Leader's health)

- similar sound of his proper name "(Kim Jong) Il" and "ill", the feeling of sickness. Pun based on similar sound!

- the opposing terms "ill" and "sick" are references to his health condition


Elizabethan Drama

(America's consumer protection agency is about to open for business. Will the president fight to put Elizabeht Warren at its head?)

- intertextuality: Shakespeare's drama in Elizabethan era

- double meaning of the terms "drama"   1. Shakespeare's play     2. the dramatic situation about who will be head of department and "Elizabethan"    1. Shakespearean era    2. reference to the candidate named Elizabeth. Pun based on double meaning!


TB or not TB 

(WHO estimates that millions may die of tuberculosis before 2020)

- intertextuality: Shakespaere - Hamlet's siloloquy "to be or not to be, that is the question"

- similar sound of the term "TB"  (as an abbreviation of tuberculosis) with "to be". Pun based on similar sound



(Los Angeles: in a car culture, even the brief closure of a freeway can spell chaos)

- reference to the film "Amageddon" wich is based on the biblical meaning, namely the end of all times

- not a pun but blending of "Amageddon" and "Car"

- hyperbole

- neogolism


Parting is such Swede sorrow...

(Henning Mankell's fictional character's final appearance as a Swedish detective)

- intertextuality: Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet   "Parting is such sweet sorrow"

- the term "parting" used to refer to his retirement

- similar sound of "Swede" and "sweet". Pun based on similar sound.


Tooth ferry fills gap in dental services

(National Health Sevice Dentistry is in such short supply on the Isle of With that a local councilor has come up with a novel idea: dental toursim across the Channel)

- similar sound of "ferry" (a ship) and "fairy" (the mystical tooth collecting person). Because the text is about the isle and using the channel this is another term used with ships. First pun based on similar sound.

- double meaning/ lexical ambiguity of the term "to fill a gap",   1. the dentist fills a tooth gap   2. shortage in dentists/ the gap in dentists needs to be filled by new service. Second pun based on double meaning or lexical ambiguity