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Legal English

Legal English for IT-Law and Management

Legal English for IT-Law and Management

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Kartei Details

Karten 21
Sprache Deutsch
Kategorie Englisch
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 23.10.2012 / 18.09.2017
Lizenzierung Kein Urheberrechtsschutz (CC0)
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Satz: The dispute between them is settled.

Synonym: a conflict or controversy

Deutsch: Streit

Verwendung: to dispute = streiten; legal dispute = Rechsstreit; disputable = fraglich, strittig

civil law

Satz: There is no competence of the European Parliament for coordinating civil law.

Synonym: 1) legal system developed from Roman codified law, established by a state for its regulation; 2) area of the law concerned with non-criminal matters, rights and remedies

Deutsch: kontinentaleuropäisches Rechtssytem; Zivilrecht

Verwendung: civil law code = buergerliches Gesetzbuch;

common law

Satz: One third of the world's population live in common law jurisdictions or in systems mixed with civil law.

Synonym: 1) body of law formed through judicial/court decisions, as opposed to law formed through statutes or written legislation 2) the legal system in England and most of the US which has developed over a period of time from old customs and court decisions, rather than laws made in Parliament

Deutsch: Gewohnheitsrecht/Fallrecht/Richterrecht

Verwendung: common-law spouse = Lebensgefaehrte; common law marriage = eheaehnliche Lebensgemeinschaft

to bind (to be bound by)

Satz: We are bound to the original contract.

Synonym: to place under legal obligation by contract or oath (Eid)

Deutsch: verpflichten, binden

Verwendung: bind = Fessel, Bindebogen; double-bind = Zwickmuehle; to be bound by contract = vertraglich verpflichtet sein


Satz: Judges are bound by the written law and its provisions.

Synonym: a statement within an agreement or a law that a particular thing must happen or be done, especially before another can happen or be done

Deutsch: Bestimmung

Verwendung: administrative provision = Verordnungsbestimmung; contractual provision = vertragliche Bestimmung; to provision sb. = jdn. mit Lebensmitteln versorgen


Satz: Common law was originally developed through custom, at a time before laws were written down.

Synonym: a way of behaving or a belief which has been established for a long time

Deutsch Gewohnheit, Brauch

Verwendung: by custom = aus Gewohnheit; custom (adj) = benutzerdefiniert; custom of trade = Handelssitte;


Satz: This constitutes a precedent.

Synonym: judicial decision that serves as an authority for deciding a later case;

Deutsch: der Praezedenzfall; Beispielsfall;

Verwendung: binding precedent = bindender Praezedenzfall; to set a precedent = einen Praezedenzfall schaffen; to quote a precedent = sich auf einen Praezedenzfall berufen


Satz: City rejects court ruling over lost paintings.

Synonym: an authoritative/court decision on a case or a legal question.

Deutsch: gerichtliche Entscheidung; Beschluss

Verwendung: binding ruling = rechtskraeftige Entscheidung; court ruling = Gerichtsentscheidung; landmark ruling = historische Entscheidung