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Kartei Details

Karten 360
Sprache Deutsch
Kategorie Psychologie
Stufe Grundschule
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 02.01.2013 / 26.07.2022
Lizenzierung Kein Urheberrechtsschutz (CC0)
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  • the pattern of movement or changes that starts at conception and continues through the human life.

life-span perspective (Baltes, 1987, 2003)


  • development is lifelong, multidimensional, multidirectional, plastic, multidisciplinary, and contextual
  • development involves growth, maintenance, and regulation
  • development is co-constructed through biological, sociocultural, and individual factors

maximum lifespan vs. life expectancy (Lebenserwartung)

  • Ein Mensch kann maximal 122 Jahre alt werden
  • Die Lebenserwartung ist im Laufe der Jahre gestiegen, heute liegt sie in den USA bei 78 Jahren.



= historical, economic, social, and cultural factors
  •  normative age-graded influences
  • normative history-graded influences
  •  non-normative life events

Some contemporary (zeitgenössiche) concerns


• health and well-being (Gesundheit) • parenting and education (Elternschaft und Erziehung) • sociocultural contexts and diversity • social policy (Sozialpolitik)

The nature of development

2.1 Biological, cognitive, and socioemotional processes


• biological (e.g., brain growth, motor skills, puberty) • cognitive (e.g., language, intelligence, problem solving) • socioemotional (e.g., social relations, emotions,   personality)

The nature of development

2.2 Periods of development

developmental period

= time frame that is characterized by a certain feature


The nature of development

2.2 Periods of development

typically used age ranges


1. prenatal period (conception [Empfängnis] to birth, 9    months) 2. infancy (birth to 18-24 months; Babys, Kleinkinder) 3. early childhood (2 to 5-6 years; Vorschulkinder) 4. middle and late childhood (6 to 11 years; Schulkinder) 5. adolescence (10-12 to 18-22 years; Jugendliche) 6. early adulthood (ca. 20 to 40 years) 7. middle adulthood (ca. 40 to 60 years)