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Englisch - Ich versteh nur Bahnhof!

500 Redewendungen für den Alltag

500 Redewendungen für den Alltag

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 87
Language Deutsch
Category English
Level Other
Created / Updated 26.12.2012 / 22.06.2018
Licencing No Copyright (CC0)
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in einer Zwickmühle sein

it's catch 22 (coll)

to be damned if one does and damned if one doesn't (coll)

to be in a dilemma

to be caught between two stools

There is no right thing to do. Anything we do will be wrong. - It's catch 22.


über jeden Zweifel erhaben sein

to be as honest as the day is long

He won't overcharge you. He is as honest as the day is long.


Zeter und Mordio schreien

to scream blue/bloody murder (coll)

to raise a hue and cry (coll)

to raise Cain (coll)

to scream the place down (coll)

to raise merry hell (coll)

As soon as they heard about the cuts that were to be made in their department all the sociologists screamed blue murder and protestet to the Treasurer of the university.


was das Zeug hält

like mad (coll)

for all one is worth (coll)

like anything (coll)

like blazes (coll)

hell for leather (coll)

like a bat out of hell (coll)

The tennis player chased after the ball like mad, but could not reach it before it bounced.


to earn (make) a bit on the side (coll)

He has earned a bit on the side with his articles for newspapers.



mit Zuckerbrot und Peitsche

with the carrot and stick treatment

The only way to teach some children is with the carrot and stick treatment, they say.

Zug - in den letzten Zügen liegen

1. bald sterben

2. mit etwas fast fertig sein

1. to be on one's last legs (coll), to be at the end of one's days, to be approaching the end of one's days, to be at death's door, to have one foot in the grave (coll)

My dog is very old and on his last legs. I ought to have him put down.

2. to be on the last lap (coll), to be in the home stretch (coll)

We are in the home stretch and will have it finished by next week.

Zahn - jmd den Zahn ziehen

to scotch that (coll), to put paid to that (coll), to put the (tin) lid on that (coll), to knock that on the head (coll)

My daughter really wanted to go to Spain on holiday, but I had to scotch that.