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Supply Chain Management 7/12 - Sales Side, Deepening

Supply Chain Management 7/12 - Sales Side, Deepening

Supply Chain Management 7/12 - Sales Side, Deepening

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Kartei Details

Karten 23
Lernende 14
Sprache English
Kategorie VWL
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 08.11.2021 / 13.06.2023
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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According to Wölfle (2008), which statements regarding the Transaction Phases in E-Commerce are true?

Which statements regarding the Market Data regarding E-Commerce in Switzerland are true?

Which statements regarding the Definition of E-Commerce are true?

According to Wölfe (2008), which questions should online providers explicitly ask themselves in the Loyalty phase?

According to Wölfle (2008), which questions should online providers explicitly ask themselves in the stimulation phase?

According to Wölfle (2008), which questions should online providers explicitly ask in the loyalty phase?

According to Wölfle (2008),wWhich statements regarding the Transaction Phases in E-Commerce are true?

According to Wölfle (2008), which questions should online providers explicitly ask themselves in the Stimulation Phase?