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PPL(A) Aviation Law - Poland

PPL(A) questionbank Poland

PPL(A) questionbank Poland

Kartei Details

Karten 488
Sprache English
Kategorie Technik
Stufe Andere
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 06.05.2021 / 31.03.2022
Lizenzierung ©    (urzad lotnictwa)
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Crew members and other persons are prohibited from bringing on board of an aircraft:


What are the responsibilities of the aircraft commander?


An aircraft with radio communication failure is approaching an airport. To warn the pilot that the airport is not secure and he should not land on it, AFIS will send a light signal:

The availability of an airspace may be temporarily limited due to:


When does the duty of providing help by the commander of an aircraft who noticed another aircraft or ship which had an accident or is in danger cease?


When does the duty of providing help by the commander of an aircraft who noticed a catastrophe or a natural disaster cease?


Who can introduce prohibitions or restrictions of flights over the area of the entire state or its part for a period longer than 3 months?

During the flight of an aircraft all airdrops are prohibited except for airdrops for the needs of: