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Katzung Test 4



Kartei Details

Karten 78
Sprache English
Kategorie Medizin
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 20.05.2019 / 20.05.2019
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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A 17-year-old patient complains that he develops wheezing and severe

shortness of breath whenever he takes aspirin for headache. Increased levels of

which of the following may be responsible, in part, for some cases of aspirin


(Katzung 11th + 12th)

A 19-year-old woman complains of severe dysmenorrhea. A uterine stimulant

derived from membrane lipid in the endometrium is

(Katzung 11th + 12th)

A 20-year-old woman suffers from absence seizures. Which of the following

statements about her proposed drug management is least accurate?

(Katzung 12th)

A 24-year old stockbrocker has developd a "nervous disposition". He is easily

startled, worries about inconsequential matters, and sometimes complains of

stomach cramps. At night he grinds his teeth in his sleep. There is no history of

drug abuse. Diagnosed as suffering from generalized anxiety disorider he is

prescribed Buspirone. The patient should be informed to anticipate

A 35-year-old woman with moderately severe arthritis has been treated with

nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for 6 mo. Her arthritis symptoms have

been well controlled. She now complains of heartburn and indigestion. A fecal

blood test is positive. You give her a prescription for a drug to be taken along

with the anti-inflammatory agent, but 2 d later she calls the office complaining

that your last prescription has caused severe diarrhea and cramping that

resembles her periods. Which of the following is most likely to be associated

with increased gastrointestinal motility and uterine cramping?

(Katzung 12th)

A 40-year-old woman has sporadic attacks of intense anxiety with marked

physical symptoms, including hyperventilation, tachycardia, and sweating. If she

is diagnosed as suffering from a panic disorder, the most appropriate drug to

use is

(Katzung 11th and 12th)

A 43-year-old very overweight man complains of not sleeping well and feeling

tired during the day. He says that his wife is the cause of the problem because

she wakes him up several times during the night because of his loud snores.

This appears to be a breathing-related sleep disorder, so you should probably

write a prescription for

(Katzung 12th)

A 45-year-old very overweight man complains of not sleeping well and feeling

tired during the day. He says that his wife is the cause of the problem because

she wakes him up several times during the night because of his loud snores.

This appears to be a breathing-related sleep disorder, so you should probably

write a prescription for

(Katzung 11th)