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Kartei Details

Karten 76
Sprache English
Kategorie Technik
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 06.10.2018 / 23.02.2023
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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apply (to)

- to use physical force in order to make something happen or work

- to make an official request for a job or a place to study at a college or university, or for permission to do or have something

- to use a particular method, process, law, etc.

The captain immediately applied full power to the engines.

backtrack (to)

- a term used by air traffic controllers to taxi an aircraft on the runway opposite to the traffic flow

The PanAm aircraft was instructed to backtrack to the end of the runway and then take the third exit on the right.

beacon [noun]

- strobe light - a set of lights required on every aircraft to improve visibility to others

Once the aircraft is ready to depart, the flight crew contacts ATC for start-up clearance. The beacon light must already be switched on at this point.

clearance [noun]

- authorisation for an aircraft to proceed under conditions specified by an air traffic control unit

The KLM aircraft had received its enroute clearance but not its take-off clearance.

engulf (to)


- to cover or surround something in a way that harms or destroys it

- if a thought or emotion engulfs you, it controls your thoughts or feelings

The aircraft crashed back to the ground and was immediately engulfed by flames.

ensue (to)


- to happen after something else, often as a result of it

A lengthy delay ensued after the airport had to be closed for security reasons.

fuselage [noun]


- aircraft component - The body, or central structural component of an airplane. the passengers and crew are transported in the fuselage and the wings and empennage are attached to it

The fuselage of a wide-body jet commonly has a diameter of between 5 and 6 metres.

hatch [noun]

- a door cut into the floor or ceiling of a ship, airplane, or building that people or things can move through

Most narrow body aircraft have one or two overwing hatches that can be used to exit the aircraft in case of an emergency.