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Corporate Culture & Cross-Cultural Management (2018-FS) International Management ZHAW

Corporate Culture & Cross-Cultural Management (2018-FS) International Management ZHAW



Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 72
Language English
Category General Education
Level University
Created / Updated 08.03.2018 / 05.06.2020
Licencing Not defined
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What are the three layers of social behavior?

What does the first layer of social behavior consist of (Universal)?

  • The human nature
  • Universal values
  • Commonly shared world view

Explain the Cultural layer of social behavior:

  • Cultural diversity

  • Humanity relies more on its culture than anatomy for adaption and survival
  • Different cultures develop as living conditions are different from each other

Explain the Cultural layer of social behavior:

  • Function of culture

Building trust is extremely important for prosperity:

Higher levels of trust -> lower interpersonal violence

Higher levels of trust -> effective organizations and productive workforce

Effective organizations -> productive workforce

Productive workforce -> welfare

"There is no example in history where people first create economic and commercial relations and then establish a culture. People first establish a common language, agreed-upon codes of behavior, and a shared sense of purpose - to wit, social capital. Only when social cultures are well developed is there enough social trust to support commercial and governmental institutions.

Culture at two levels:

  1. Psychic or psychological level: focuses on the internalized norms, attitudes and behavior of individuals from a particular culture.
  2. Institutional level: looks at national (or group) culture embodied in institutions (government, education, economic instiutions, business organizations).


  • Withstand the "culturalist impulse" (impulse to mainly explain people's behavior with a "cultural difference")
  • Also withstand the denial of culture motivated by political correctness considerations.