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Strategic Innovation_1

Strategic Innovation_1

Strategic Innovation_1

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 16
Language English
Category Micro-Economics
Level University
Created / Updated 20.07.2017 / 21.07.2017
Licencing Not defined
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Categories of Innovation

What? = Type (SPPS)

Where? = Regional, national, global

How? = 8 Dimensions

With whom? = Company, network, alliance, partnership

Vision, Mission, Strategy, Brand

Vision: long term view, plan (BOLT: "Stay leader for x years")

Mission: Path to reach objectives, How to get there (BOLT: Extensive training, not every race)

Strategy: More detailed, immediate targets

Brand: BOLT: posing, "the new fast", relaxed, celebrating fast

8 Dimensions of Innovation

Forward Incr. (20GB Stick)

Adv. Forward Incr. (100GB Stick)

Replication (perceived newness, new location)

Redefinition (music phone)

Redirection (baby phone, elderly phone)

Reinitiation (Reebok pump)

Reconstruction/Redirection (Nano car)

Integration (DVD+TV)

Requirements for a strong brand

Simple, strong, clear cohesive

> Differentiating message, emotions, self identity, awareness

(Activities of organization must be aligned with the brand)


3 Lifecycles

Dominant Design

Hype cycle

3 Lifecycles: Product, Technology, Industry

Dominant Design = important, when different technologies fight for same market (EV, hybrid, hydrogen)

Hype cycle = How long does technology take to be established in industry? (Not lifecycle)

Market segmentation (buyer, product)

Split in characteristics of buyer and product


industrial, household, distr. channels, geographical location


size, prize, features, technology, sourcing, performance, services

Innovation Down

Tactic to compete with local innovation leaders in China

Peak innvoators innovating down, e.g. with second brand or low cost competence

Peak innovators (25% of chinese market), local innovators (75% of chinese market)


Purpose of a strategy

decision making support, coordination and communication process, goal definition (multidimensional process)