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1.6 Mechanical Properties, Wear and Corrosioin

How a material's characteristics an shape affect stiffiness, elasticity and strength

How a material's characteristics an shape affect stiffiness, elasticity and strength

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Kartei Details

Karten 15
Sprache Deutsch
Kategorie Medizin
Stufe Grundschule
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 04.02.2013 / 05.07.2019
Lizenzierung Kein Urheberrechtsschutz (CC0)
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When is a material said to behave elastically?

if after being deformed by a load, it returns to its original shape when unloaded

When is a material said to behave plastically

if after being deformed it does not return to its origianl shape

Define elastic limit.

If a material has been stressed to such an extent that it will not return to its original shape and dimension upon removal of the load, then it is said to have exceeded its elastic limit - this is alsno known as plastic deformation

Do a sphere and a cube of the same material have the same elastic modulus?


the stress/strain ration does not change. This ration, therefore, is dependent on the material and not on the shape of the structure

Which scientist is associated with elastic modulus?

Thomas Young

denoted by the letter E. It is constant for each material and is thus a measure of the material's ability to maintain shape under external loads.

Stress = load / cross-sectional area

Strain = change in length / origina length

Modulus = Stress / Strain

Two bars of the same material 500mm in length have diameters of 5mm and 7mm respectively.

Which is the easier to bend?

Calculate the "I" value for a beam of 35mm in length.

5mm depth and 15mm width.

Is it easier to bend than a beam of the same length with a width of 10mm and depth of 8mm?


I1 = (15mm * (5mm)3) / 12 = 156

I2 = (10mm * (8mm)3) / 12 = 426

Define tribology.

Tribology is the study of friction, lubrication and wear