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1.3 The Skeletal System

Understand the major function of the skeleton

Understand the major function of the skeleton

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Kartei Details

Karten 61
Sprache Deutsch
Kategorie Medizin
Stufe Grundschule
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 04.02.2013 / 03.01.2019
Lizenzierung Kein Urheberrechtsschutz (CC0)
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Which three bones make up the coxa or hip bone?

  1. Illium
  2. Ischium
  3. Pubis

What is a joint?

A joint is formed where two or more bones meet and is classified as being one of the following:

  1. Synovial
  2. Fibrous
  3. Cartilaginous

At what angle (in normal anatomy) does the neck of the femur join the shaft?

The neck joins the shaft at an angle of approximately 125°.

Complete the labels on the following diagram:

  1. Greater trochanter
  2. Neck
  3. Fovea capitis
  4. Head
  5. Lesser trochanter
  6. IIntertrochanteric line

What separates the two condyles on the posterior surface of the distal femur

Interconylar fossa

Fibrous joints have a wide range of movement (True/False?)

These joints have virtually no movement. The bones are joined by fibrous tissues.
e.g. Sutures found only in the bones of the skull

Where in the vertebral column is there an absence of an intervertebral disc?

The intervertabral disc ar not found in the sacrum and coccyx, where the vertebrae have fused.
Neither are the found between the fist and second vertebrea

Describe the structure of an interverebral disc

  • The anulus fibrosus attach the disc to the bodies of adjacent verebrae.
  • The annulus surrounds a soft elastic and gelatinous core known as the cucleus pulpsous
  • The nucleus pulposus gives the disc resilience and anables it to act as a shock absorber