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World Economy

World Economy

World Economy



Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 20
Language English
Category Macro-Economics
Level University
Created / Updated 28.06.2014 / 19.03.2016
Licencing Not defined
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What are other forms of trade barriers?

  • Voluntary Export Restraint (VER)
  • Health and Safety Regulations
  • Government Purchasing Restrictions
  • Local Content Requirement

What are the forms a tariff can take?

  • Ad volarem tariff: a fixed percentage tax on the value (i.e. price) of a traded commoditiy
  • Specific tariff: a fixed sum tax per unit of a traded commodity
  • Compound tariff: a combination of an ad valorem and specific tariff

What are the advantages/disadvantages of quotas?

  • Producers are effectively shielded
  • Prices in the world market cannot be estimated (hard to set a quota limit)
  • There is no ToT effect
  • Part of quota rent (c) goes to license owner, part goes to domestic government
  • Fiscal revenues cannot be predicted in general
  • Policy damages home's welfare


  • Domestic producers have an incentive to lobby for obtaining protection by quotas
  • Since importers need a license they have an incentive to "take influence"
  • Thus, import quota sets incentives for rent-seeking and corruption
  • They lower competition and are a disincentive for innovation.

What are the disadvantages of Export Subsidies

  • Taxpayer's money is channelled to arbitrarily chosen industries and companies
  • Domestic industry is massively distorted
  • Negative welfare effect

Pros and cons of free trade

  • politicians don't have all the information to steer markets
  • protected industries absorb money other industries cannot benefit from
  • strategic trade policy damages other country's industries -> trade war - retaliation
  • once a policy is in force, politicians will take advantage of it (rent-seeking)

Collective Action Problem

While it is in the interests of the group as a whole to press for favourable policies, it is not in any individual's interest to do so. Therefore few companies which have a big gain will win through lobbying because many consumers with a tiny loss don't care.

Principles of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)

  1. Eliminating nontariff barriers
  2. Reducing tariff rates
  3. Binding tariff rates (having a country agree not to raise tariff in future)
  4. most favoured nation (MFN) principle

Reducing works a lever and binding as ratchet.

Most Favoured Nation principle

Each GATT country promises that all countries will pay tariffs no higher than the nation that pays the lowest.

A country can give preference to other countries by allowing 0 tariff. There the MFN principle doesn't apply.