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Wordlist 3 - Gapfills

Academic Wordlist - Sublist 3 Gapfills

Academic Wordlist - Sublist 3 Gapfills

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 94
Language Deutsch
Category English
Level University
Created / Updated 07.11.2014 / 11.11.2014
Licencing Not defined
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She's just had an article ... in their weekend supplement.

published (verb)

The County Council, having been presented with the Channel Tunnel as a fait accompli, is concerned to ... its potential benefits by directing associated commercial development to those areas which will benefit most.

maximise (verb)

He should ... more ... his collegues.

interact with (verb)

A disaster relief ... .

fund (noun)

The museum is privately ... .

funded (verb)

1. I've been ... articles to this paper for many years.

2. Design faults in the boat ... ... the tragedy. 

1. contributing (verb)

2. contributed to (verb)

The Labour Party is still a ... in the national unity government.

partner (noun)

It's only a tiny ... of people who are causing the problem.

minority (noun)