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6 different types of volcanoes with description and characteristics 5 different types of eruption

6 different types of volcanoes with description and characteristics 5 different types of eruption

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Kartei Details

Karten 11
Sprache English
Kategorie Geographie
Stufe Mittelschule
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 24.06.2013 / 24.06.2013
Lizenzierung Kein Urheberrechtsschutz (CC0)
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Cinder cones

  • built from loose material (particles) -> solidify and falls
  • round, flat, bowl-shaped crater
  • at destructive zones


  • built from alternating lava layers, lava flows through vent or fissures
  • steep-sided, symmetrical, snow on top
  • at destructive zones

Shield volcano

  • built from highly fluid lava -> widely spread
  • at constructive zones

Lava Domes

  • built from viscous lava (bulbous), dome grows by expension from within
  • at constructive zones


  • magma chamber is emptied in one eruption -> collapses down -> secondary vents from within the crater
  • most at constructive zones, sometimes destructive


  • built from explosions caused by groundwater coming into contact with hot magma
  • crater filled with water
  • at destructive zones

Hawaiian Eruption

  • fluid, mafic lava
  • fountaining and lava flows
  • constructive margins
    -> Kilauea

Strombolian Eruption

  • every few minutes
  • explotion of lava due to escaping gas bubbles
  • destructive margins