Vokabeln Englisch für Journalismus&Public Relations
Vokabeln und Defintionen für den Sprachkurs Englisch für Journalismus&Public Relations
Vokabeln und Defintionen für den Sprachkurs Englisch für Journalismus&Public Relations
Set of flashcards Details
Flashcards | 139 |
Language | English |
Category | English |
Level | University |
Created / Updated | 18.06.2013 / 01.03.2020 |
Licencing | No Copyright (CC0) |
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This word is a synonym for respondent or interviewing partner. Person who answers the questions that a journalist gives them.
To claim that someone has done sth illegal or wrong, typically made without proof.
to allege
When an interviewee is surprised by a sudden different line of questioning or by a sudden appaerance of a journalist
ambush interview
influence in a particular, typically unfair direction; prejudice
paying large sums for stories, also buy-up
chequebook journalism
journalist's source
person allows copy before publication
copy approval
someone who can give firsthand information about something seen, heard or experienced