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Voci Mix_IELTS_Part 21

Problems - Verb

Problems - Verb

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Kartei Details

Karten 7
Sprache Français
Kategorie Englisch
Stufe Andere
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 18.04.2015 / 18.04.2015
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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address (The government needs to address the problem of unemployment/ similar to “deal with” and “tackle”)

address (The government needs to address the problem of unemployment/ similar to “deal with” and “tackle”)

face (How to combine work with having children is a problem facing many women/ an alternative here would be the more academic “confronting”)

face (How to combine work with having children is a problem facing many women/ an alternative here would be the more academic “confronting”)

deal with (We need to deal with the pressing issue of global warming/ a close synonym of “tackle”: it includes the idea that the problem is difficult)

deal with (We need to deal with the pressing issue of global warming/ a close synonym of “tackle”: it includes the idea that the problem is difficult)

tackle (It will not be easy to tackle global warming/a close synonym of “deal with”)

tackle (It will not be easy to tackle global warming/a close synonym of “deal with”)

Erfahrung (Viele Familien haben Schwierigkeiten, ihre steigenden Heizkosten / a mehr akademische Art zu sagen, "haben" gebührenpflichtig) "

experience (Many families are experiencing difficulties in paying their rising fuel bills/a more academic way of saying “have”)

"stellen "(Steigende Heizkosten ein Problem für viele Familien / ein guter Ort, um mit Problem Bedeutung" machen "zu verwenden)

pose (Rising fuel bills pose a problem for many families/a good collocation to use with problem meaning “make”)

"lösen (Der beste Weg zur Lösung des Problems der globalen Erwärmung würde die Steuern zu erhöhen / Sie "lösen" ein Problem, oder Sie können "lösen" das Problem) "

resolve (The best way of resolving the problem of global warming would be to raise taxes/ you can “solve” a problem or you can “resolve” a problem)