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Speaking Phrases CAE

Special speaking phrases CAE

Special speaking phrases CAE



Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 14
Language Deutsch
Category English
Level Secondary School
Created / Updated 22.02.2014 / 22.02.2014
Licencing Not defined
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Do you mind if I start?

Shall we talk about .... first?


Judging from the photograph ...

They are definitely ....

As far as I can see, they are ...

Stating an opinion

If you want my hones opinion...

As far as I'm concerned ...

Personally speaking ...

They way I see it...

If you ask me ...

Asking for opinion

What's your idea?

What are your thoughts about ... ?

How do you feel about that?

Are you happy with ...?

What would you say?

Do you agree?

Expressing agreement

I see what you mean.

That's so true.

You are right with that...

You have a good point there.

I couldn't agree with you more.

You are absolutely right.

Thats exactly how I feel.

Expressing disagreement

Not necessarily,

That's not always true.

That's a good point, but...

I'm afraid I disagree.

You could be right, but...

No, I'm no so sure about that.

That may be true, but...


Summarising / focusing

So, what you are saying is....

In other words...

I think we need to

S, let's decide about....

When you are uncertain.

Now, let me think about this.

Thats's an interesting question...

This is a bit difficult. What could I say?

That's a tricky question...