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Sociolinguistic Quiz 1

Quiz 1

Quiz 1

Kartei Details

Karten 33
Sprache English
Kategorie Englisch
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 08.04.2016 / 28.04.2016
Lizenzierung Namensnennung - keine Bearbeitung (CC BY-ND)    (David Reifler)
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speech community

group of people who are in habitual contact with one another, who share a language variety and social conventions or sociolinguistic norms about language use.

social category

way of grouping people by traits that are relatively fixed  OR open to active performance. characteristics such as class, gender, ethnicity --> fixed. open to active performance and construction: identity.


social relationships

how each of us, as social beings, adapt our language to suit the sitation and the audience. Often contrasted with social characterstics, the socially relevant traits that we are seen to posses.


a different or distinct form or version of something. i.e. a change of vowel, realisation of phoneme. important for language variation: it is always patterned and socially and historically determined. variation can occur in all fields of linguistics: phonology, morphology, syntax, lexis, practices.

free vs. structured variation

free variation: speakers choice between variants is completely arbitrary and unpredictable.

structured variation: speakers choice between variants is linked to other factors.

competence vs. performance

competence: refers primarily to what sepakers know about language

performance: what speakers actually produce when speaking (might be full uf false starts, uhms, etc).


levels of variation

-individual: style (casual, careful, formal)

-situational (setting, paricipants, ends, norms, genres)

-social (class, sex, age)

-regional (varieties, "dialects")

linguistic variable

Any linguistic unit realized by more than one norm.