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Risk Management & Insurance

Introduction into Risk Management, Risk Identification, and Risk Valuation Risk Management methods Selected topics

Introduction into Risk Management, Risk Identification, and Risk Valuation Risk Management methods Selected topics

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Kartei Details

Karten 71
Sprache English
Kategorie Finanzen
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 06.05.2014 / 20.05.2015
Lizenzierung Namensnennung (CC BY)    (Dr. Caroline Siegel, Prof. Dr. Alexander Braun)
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1.1) Introduction - Certainty, Uncertainty, and Risk


  • Certainty
  • Uncertainty in a wider sense
  • Uncertainty in a narrower sense
  • Risk

  • Certainty: you know for SURE what future outcome will occur
  • Uncertainty in a wider sense: at least TWO possible states of which only one can occur are expected
  • Uncertainty in a narrower sense: not possible to forecast occurrence PROBABILITY for a certain state
  • Risk: One CAN allocate (objective or subjective) occurrence probabilities to all possible states

1.2) Introduction - Risk Classifications

What are the four risk classifications? Explain them and give examples.

  1. Speculative Risks: with positive probabilities for loss AND gain (gambling etc.)
  2. Pure Risks: only a chance of loss OR no loss (e.g. owner of a house might lose it due to an earthquake) -> only pure risk are really insurable
  3. Dynamic Risks: Speculative risks resulting from changes in the ECONOMY (e.g. change in price level, consumer tastes, technology...)
  4. Statis Risks: Risk occuring even WITHOUT economic change. Tends to occur with a regularity over time (e.g. natural catastrophes) -> more insurable than dynamic risks

1.3) Introduction - Concept and Function of Risk Management

What is the goal of Risk Management?

Minimization of loss frequency and/or the magnitude of the losses that occur

1.3) Introduction - Concept and Function of Risk Management

What is the concept of Risk Management?

Scientific approach that deals with PURE RISKS to develop procedures for:

  1. Identification
  2. Measurement
  3. Valuation and Treatment

of risks

1.3) Introduction - Concept and Function of Risk Management

What are the four business functions of risk management?

  • Develop and exploit exposure checklists and risk questionnaires
  • Implement risk models
  • Implement measures for risk cntrol (risk avoidance tools and risk reduction)
  • Develop or apply risk financing tools (e.g. hedging with derivatives or contingent capital, insurance...)

1.3) Introduction - Concept and Function of Risk Management

What were the three main problems with the first forms of insurance? (e.g. caravans)

  • Ex-post premia (after occurence; not all mebers were liquid)
  • Adverse Selection (asymmetric information; before signing of contract: maybe price for premium set too low because of lack of information about the insured individual)
  • Moral hazard (asymmetric information; after signing of contract: insured individual might take on higher risk)

1.3) Introduction - Concept and Function of Risk Management

Bayers Theorem (applied to goat problem)


A: Car is NOT behind first choice (P=0,5)

B: Showmaster opens particular gate (P=2/3)

(0.5*2/3)/0.5= 2/3

1.3) Introduction - Concept and Function of Risk Management

The St.Petersburg Paradox and how Bernoulli solves it


  • Risk measurement is not sufficient: individual risk preferences play a role in decision making processes
  • Game of chance for 1 player: coin toss as long as head appears, game stops when tail appears
  • Amount of money for head is doubled each round

-> Paradox: expected value of game would go to infinity but  people wouldn't be willing to pay a high price to enter such a game!