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Kartei Details

Karten 20
Sprache English
Kategorie Medizin
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 07.10.2014 / 09.10.2014
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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define radial deviation and ulnar deviation.

starting with the anatomical position, radial deviation would be to wave your hand away from the body

ulnar deviation would be to wave your hand toward the body. 

the muscles of the GI tract arise from the ______ _________ (be specific) 

splanchnic mesoderm

what is a blastocyst? What kinds of cells exist in the blastocyst, and what do these cells become later?

Blastocyst is when a morula further develops and forms a fluid filled cavity. It contains trophoblast cells in the surface, which forms the placenta, and it contains the inner cell mass, which forms the embryo

The coelum divides into three body cavities: the ____, _____, and _______

pericardial, pleural, and peritoneal

which of the following are connective tissue cells?

in which trimester is screening for trisomy 18 and 21 done? What test is routinely performed?

in the first trimester, such screening is performed. The routine test is nuchal translucency (basically a test that meaures the amount of protein behind the fetus neck. An excess amount of protein indicates abnormality

invasive prenatal diagnosis like ______ and _____ ____ _________ are only offered to patients at higher risk, such as patients over the age of ___.

amniocentesis , chorionic villi sampling 

over 40

What is the critical period during development for teratogenesis?

weeks 3-8