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phrasal verbs



Kartei Details

Karten 28
Sprache Français
Kategorie Englisch
Stufe Mittelschule
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 31.01.2016 / 04.03.2016
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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prender en charge, assumer

to take on

The company always takes on new staff for the summer period

tomber en panne

éclater en sanglots



to break down

Negotiations broke down because of a disagreement about trading arrangements.

aller aussi vite que

garder le rythme, rster assidu

se tenir au courrent de

to keep up with

The lecturer talks so fast - I just can't keep up with her tran of thought.

faire croire


faire passer qqn/qqc pour qqc

to make out (to be sth)

It was noisy in the room and I could'nt make out what Jill was saying


amener (introduce, initiate)

to bring in/about

The new management team plans to bring in/about a number of changes in the company.

filer, se sauver

prendre la fuite avec

to make away/off with

the robbers made off/away with a large amount of money.

piger, percuter

devenir à la mode

to catch on

No one excpected that the new fashion would catch on as quickly as it has.

installer, monter

to set up

Wanda asked the bank for a loan in order to set up a consultancy business.