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Open Innovation

Open Innovation

Open Innovation



Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 39
Language Deutsch
Category Micro-Economics
Level University
Created / Updated 11.01.2013 / 28.06.2017
Licencing No Copyright (CC0)
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What is the Definition of Innovation?

A new Idea which is successfully implemented in the market

What is the Definition of Invention?

Inventionis the act of turning imagination into a new product or service by solving objective technical problems in expectation of some improvement or advantage

What is the Definition of Diffusion?

Diffusionis the process by which a new idea or new product is communicated through and accepted by the market*. The rate of diffusion is the speed that the new idea spreads from one consumer to the next

What is an Idea?

An idea(lit. mental image) is an incidence or a new thought before implementation. An archetype that has signification and attracts attention

What is the meaning of a Network - Co-Operation?

The networkis defined by the interaction (edges) of individual actors (nodes). The benefits of the network is the optimization of resource use through exchange

What are the three ways of getting new Ideas?

Receive, Collect, Generate

What is the Definition of Innovation Management?

Innovation management is the systematic planning, implementation and control of innovation in organizations

What is the Idea Funnel?

The Idea Funnel is an Instrument to show the the four different steps of the Ideatiin Process