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MT Writing 1

Übungen zu Writing für Bec Priliminary

Übungen zu Writing für Bec Priliminary

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 9
Language English
Category English
Level Primary School
Created / Updated 24.06.2015 / 01.11.2017
Licencing Not defined    (writing Bec MT)
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Which of the following shouldn't you use for an email?

Which beginnings and endings belong together?

Dear Sirs

yours faithfully

Which beginnings and endings belong together?

Hi John

All the best

Which beginnings and endings belong together?

Dear Mr Smith

Yours sincerely

Which beginnings and endings belong together?

Dear James

Best regards

Write an answer to the statement:

How are you?

Fine, thanks

Write an answer to the statement:

What do you do?

i am an engineer

Write an answer to the statement:

I won the lottery
