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Kartei Details

Karten 47
Sprache Deutsch
Kategorie Ernährung
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 18.10.2014 / 18.10.2014
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe    (Fricke)
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What is genomics?

Genomics it the science of understanding of cellular and organism genomes (size, organisation, composition) (complete DNA sequence). It uses gemone sequencing and analysis tools. Coding and noncoding sequences are detected.

Give an example for personalised genomics and briefly expalain it.

23andMe = personal genome test

human samples are tested using targeted sequencing of specific genomic locations based on published research.

What is transcriptomics?

Transcriptomics aims to explain genexpression  (RNA-molecules, coding molecules), which genes are actually expressed.

What is the benefit of exome sequencing?

reduced sequencing effort. only coding sequneces are detected (but provides no information about gene expression, just potentially available gene functions)

What is proteomics?

aims to detect the amount of proteins expressed.

What is metabolomics?

aims to describe the phenotype of a cell "function", quantitative summary of all metabolites under certain conditions.

Whole genome shotgun sequencing? :-(

:-( high technical, bioinformatic and financial efford, large amount of data, high error rate, needs many different and multiple reads

Whole genome shotgun sequencing process.

1) random fragmentation of DNA (mechanistical shearing, enzymatic restriciton)

2) sequencing random fragments (overlap phase)

3)bioinformatic assembly of short fragmentes to build genome consensus