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Laser Materials Processing

08 - Laser Welding

08 - Laser Welding

Kartei Details

Karten 14
Sprache English
Kategorie Technik
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 16.01.2015 / 16.05.2016
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe
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Wich two types of laser welding exist?

  1. Deep-penetration laser-welding
  2. Heat-conduction laser-welding

Explain how deep-penetration-welding works.

• Vaporization-temperature of the workpiece is exceeded due to high laserpower and good focussing (small df), which leads to high intensity.

• Metal-vapour streams vertically up, the resulting recoil (Rückstoß) onto the liquid melt-pool-surface causes the creation of a deep and narrow vapourchannel (D„ ampfkapillare)“, often called a „keyhole)“.

• Through the keyhole (D„ ampfkapillare)“ the laser-beam enters the workpiece into deep depths and such warms it up „from the inner“(and not only „from the surface)“.

Explain the "multi-reflections-effect" during deep-penetration-welding.

Wich ammount of energy can be absorbed using a high sophisticated process?

During the multiple reflections of the laser-beam inside the keyhole (Dampfkapillare) every time a ray (Teilstrahl) touches the keyhole-walls, an amount of it´s energy is absorbed there.

Touching the keyhole-walls sufficiently frequent, the total amount of absorption in practice can reach high numbers of up to > 90%.

How does a typical setup of a laser welduing optic look like?


Wich laser suits for the follwowing application(s)?

Delicate (filigran) components, with only low allowed thermal stresses (wenig wärmebelastbar), e.g. microtechnology

Wich laser suits for the follwowing application(s)?

Thin walled (dünnwandig) components ( < ca. 0,4 mm )

Wich laser suits for the follwowing application(s)?


Wich laser suits for the follwowing application(s)?

Non ferrous (NE-) metals with high reflectivity (e.g. Al, Cu)