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Kostenberechnung PM

Projektmanagement Kostenberechnungen

Projektmanagement Kostenberechnungen



Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 8
Language Deutsch
Category Micro-Economics
Level University
Created / Updated 16.06.2015 / 16.12.2019
Licencing Not defined
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Cost Variance CV

CV= EV-AC (A negative value signifies a budget overrun)

Schedule Variance SV

SV= EV-PV (A negative value signifies a schedule delay)

Cost Performance Index  CPI

CPI= EV/AC (Each invested Euro returns a CPI fraction thereof. Is widely used to forecast costs at project completion)

Schedule Performance Index SPI

SPI= EV/PV The project is SPI % completed compared to plan. Is sometimes used in conjunction with the CPI to estimate the project completion

Estimate at Completion  EAC

EAC= BAC/CPI (How much is the total project estimated to cost based on the current state of completion? )

Estimate to Completion ETC

ETC= EAC-AC (How much more will the project cost from this period on? )

Variance at Completion VAC

VAC= BAC-EAC (How large will the variance be at project completion? )

Estimate Total Duration  ETD

ETD= Planned Duration/SPI (Based on todays status, how long will the total project last? )