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KET - Chinese New year 1

Revision Unit 1-4 Reading and oral comprehension Do you know the anwers? Or the questions?

Revision Unit 1-4 Reading and oral comprehension Do you know the anwers? Or the questions?



Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 12
Language English
Category English
Level Other
Created / Updated 14.03.2013 / 15.01.2016
Licencing No Copyright (CC0)
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When does the Chinese New Year start?

The Chinese New Year starts with the New Moon on the first day of the New Year.

How do they celebrate New Year?

They celebrate New Year with their families.

How long do they celebrate?

15 days (before full moon).

What is the favourite dish of some people in South China?

The favourite dish of some people in South China is sweet rice.

What do people do in their houses before New Year’s Day?

They clean.

What do people do at midnight?

They say good bye to the old year.

What is the effect on midnight?

A firework.

Is New Year’s Day on the same day annually?

No, it isn’t. Every New Year starts at another date.