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irregular verbs - Base form - Past Simple - Past participle - New Headway - The Third edition

The Third edition - New Headway - Pre-Intermediate Student's Book

The Third edition - New Headway - Pre-Intermediate Student's Book

Fichier Détails

Cartes-fiches 16
Langue Deutsch
Catégorie Anglais
Niveau Apprentissage
Crée / Actualisé 18.09.2012 / 18.09.2012
Attribution de licence Pas de droit d'auteur (CC0)
Lien de web
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Base form: be

Past Simple: was/were

Past participle: been

Base form: become

Past Simple: became

Past participle: become

Base form: begin

Past Simple: began

Past participle: begun

Base form: break

Past Simple: broke

Past participle: broken

Base form: bring

Past Simple: brought

Past participle: brought

Base form: build

Past simple: built

Past participle: built

Base form: buy

Past Simple: bought

Past participle: bought

Base form: can

Past Simple: could

Past participle: been able