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introduction words

Nützliche Ausdrücke für Englischaufsätze

Nützliche Ausdrücke für Englischaufsätze



Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 12
Language English
Category English
Level Vocational School
Created / Updated 17.11.2013 / 26.12.2017
Licencing No Copyright (CC0)
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Das Thema einleiten

The opening quotation illustrates the fact that... - It makes sense to start by asking whether - There are many points of view to consider here. - The issues I want to discuss here are...

Punkte/Argumente auflisten

Firstly, - Secondly, - Thirdly,... - Finally,...

Eine These untermauern

In addition,.. - ...,too. - Moreover,... - What is more,... - Another point to consider is this: - Not only ..., but ... also

Ausnahmen einräumen

except for... - although... - even though

Ein Gegenargument anführen

Alternatively, - on the other hand, - however, -

Ein Standpunkt begründen

The reason for... is that... - That is why...For this reason

Auswirkungen oder Resultate beschreiben

As a result, - as a consequence, - Because of this, - the effect of this is that

Eine Statistik unterlegen, wiederlegen

Statistics tell us, that... - However, the statistics tell a diffrent story:... -