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Introduction to Literature - Summary

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A summary of EV LWS

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Kartei Details

Karten 21
Sprache English
Kategorie Literatur
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 02.02.2013 / 02.02.2013
Lizenzierung Kein Urheberrechtsschutz (CC0)
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Reader oriented Approaches (Receiver)


o reception aesthetics/reader-response approaches (concerned with potential mean-ing inherent in text) o empirical reception studies approaches (concerned with actual impact on real readers)

Context-oriented approaches


Historical reality as context Sociological and Marxist approaches Feminist approaches New historicism Cultural materialism Other texts a s contexts Sources and influence studies Studies in intertextuality and intermediality

Descriptive function (Theory, Model and Methods)


they enable us to identify and describe the characteristics of a literary text in a pre-cise way

Explanatory function


they can be used to express the premises of literary analysis, define basic terminolo-gy and explain the aims of the investigation

Typological function


they allow for a systematic classification of texts and their respective characteristics

Literary-historical function


they enable us to position texts within broader historical contexts

Defining Literature



Broad Concept All written documents are literature Problems Hardly viable Exclusion of oral traditions (e.g. story telling) Narrower Concepts Common denominator: exclusion of non poetic and non imaginative texts Beyond that little consensus

Characteristic Features of Literary Texts


Fictionality (often indicated by textual signals, e.g. “Once upon a time...”) Ambiguity replaces clarity and allows for a variety of interpretations Deviation from everyday language, which causesdefamiliarisation. Dominance of poetic rather than referential function of language  Non-pragmatic discourse (literary texts usually neither serve an immediate purpose nor give direct instructions)