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Voci Unit 13: secured transactions

Voci Unit 13: secured transactions

Kartei Details

Karten 38
Sprache English
Kategorie Englisch
Stufe Andere
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 26.11.2011 / 02.01.2012
Lizenzierung Kein Urheberrechtsschutz (CC0)
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secured transaction

A secured transaction is created by means of a security agreement in which a lender (the secured party) may take specified collateral owned by the borrower if he or she should default on the loan.

security (in the context of the law of secured transactions)

something given as a guarantee that an undertaking will be fulfilled or a loan repaid.

right in rem

dingliches Recht

in rem = against or about a thing

possessory interest

the creditor takes possession of the property which is the security interest



to leave something valuable with a pawnbroker in order to borrow money from them.

non-possesory security: security interest in specific assets: chattel mortgage

A chattel mortgage is a mortgage that provides for a security interest in assets other than real estate to secure the loan. In the event of a default in payments, the lender has a lien in the assets used as collateral for the loan.

In most states, a security agreement has replaced the use of chattel mortgages.

non-possessory security: security interest in specific assets: floatin lien

Floating lien is a general lien against a set of assets, such as inventory or accounts receivable, in which the assets are not specifically identified. It is a lien that is expanded to cover any additional property that is acquired by the lienor while the debt is outstanding


mit beidseitigem Einverständnis

involving the agreement of all or most people in a group: