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HSLU OALD 250 Definition 9

HSLU WI LG181 subsidiary-yield

HSLU WI LG181 subsidiary-yield



Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 30
Language Deutsch
Category English
Level Primary School
Created / Updated 15.03.2013 / 18.07.2024
Licencing No Copyright (CC0)
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subsidiary adj., n

[pl. ?ies] a business company that is owned or controlled by another larger company

supplier n

a person or company that produces or finds and delivers goods

surplus n, adj.

the amount by which the amount of money received is greater than the amount of money spent

sustainable adj.

involving the use of natural products and energy in a way that does not harm the environment

takeover n

an act of taking control of a company by buying most of its shares

taxation n

money that has to be paid to government on income, profits, etc.; the system of collecting money due to government on income, profits, etc.

taxpayer n

a person who pays money to the government, especially on the money that they earn

telecommunications (also telecoms) n

[pl.] the technology of sending signals, images and messages over long distances by radio, telephone, television, satellite, etc.