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HSLU OALD 250 Definition 8

HSLU WI LG181 replacement-subsequent¨ly

HSLU WI LG181 replacement-subsequent¨ly

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Kartei Details

Karten 34
Sprache Deutsch
Kategorie Englisch
Stufe Grundschule
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 15.03.2013 / 16.10.2015
Lizenzierung Kein Urheberrechtsschutz (CC0)
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replacement n

[U] the act of putting a person/ thing in the place of another, especially sth that is newer or better

resolution n

[C] a formal statement of an opinion agreed on by a committee or a parliament/council, especially by means of a vote

restraint n

[C, usually pl.] (~ on sb/sth) a rule, a fact, an idea, etc. that limits or controls what people can do

restructure v.

[vn, v] to organize sth such as a system or a company in a new and different way

retail n, adv., v.

[U] the selling of goods to the public, usually through shops/stores

retailing n

[U] the business of selling goods to the public, usually through shops/ stores

retailer n

person or business that sells goods to the public

revenue n

[U] (also revenues [pl.]) the money that a government receives from taxes or that an organization receives from its business