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HSLU OALD 250 Definition 5

HSLU WI LG181 incentive-Ltd

HSLU WI LG181 incentive-Ltd



Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 27
Language Deutsch
Category English
Level Primary School
Created / Updated 15.03.2013 / 16.10.2015
Licencing No Copyright (CC0)
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incentive n

[C,U] (~ for/to sb/sth/to do sth) something that encourages you to do sth

incorporate v.

(~ sth in/into/within sth) to include sth so that it forms a part of sth

incorporated adj. (abbr. Inc.)

formed into a business company with legal status

incur v.

to bring sth unpleasant on oneself, to be in a situation which has to be dealt with, to bring about costs which have to be paid

inflation n

a general rise in the prices of services and goods which results in a fall in the value of money; the rate at which this happens

innovation n

[U] the introduction of a new application for sth, new ideas or ways of doing sth

input n, v.

[C,U] (~ in(to)/to/on sth | ~ of sth) time, knowledge, ideas, etc. that you put into work, a project, etc. in order to make it succeed; the act of putting sth in

institutional adj.

[usually before noun] connected with a large important organisation that has a specific purpose