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Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 8
Language English
Category Micro-Economics
Level Primary School
Created / Updated 15.11.2012 / 25.01.2015
Licencing No Copyright (CC0)
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HRM covers

(1)functions and activities of the HRM department of any organisation


(2) the duty of any line managers including the CEO to manage his or her personnel.

Key functions

(1)planning, recruiting, selecting

(2)developing (soft skills)



HRM principles are

-Mbo (Management by objective)

-360° feedback (two way)



-team development

The nature of the employment relationship


Pay for work


“Social norms”, influence employees actions in the workplace


Common Law and statutory rights


Commitment and motivation = high performance (love the company)

Eight Challenges for HRM


-Value chain for Business competitiveness and HR services

-Profitability through cost and growth

-Capability focus

-change and some more


-Attracting, retaining and measuring competence and intellectual capital

-Turnaround is not transformation

Line Managers goals

-Understand organizational capability as an essential source of competitiveness

-Participate in the process of designing competitive organizations

-See the organizational implications of competitive challenges

-Dedicate time and energy to organizational capability

HR professionals must achieve the following

-See HR issues as part of a competitive business equation

-Articulate why HR matters in business terms, starting with business value

-Talk comfortably about how competitive challenges dictate HR activities

What is Strategic Human Resource Management?

Strategic HRM is the interface between HRM and Strategic Management