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Histology - Epithelia and Exocrine Glands

Epithelia locations by type, exocrine gland secretory portion, compound gland components and epithelia type by compound gland duct type, secretory type. (VIBS 343)

Epithelia locations by type, exocrine gland secretory portion, compound gland components and epithelia type by compound gland duct type, secretory type. (VIBS 343)

Kartei Details

Karten 22
Sprache English
Kategorie Biologie
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 10.09.2013 / 25.01.2019
Lizenzierung Namensnennung (CC BY)    (catlover0192)
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Simple Squamous Epithelia

blood vessels

lymphatic vessels

mesothelium (serosa)

Simple Cuboidal Epithelia

thyroid follicles

kidney tubules

Simple Columnar Epithelia

Uterine tube

small intestine

kidney proximal tubule

Stratified squamous epithelia

skin - keratinized

Stratified cuboidal

excretory duct of glands

Stratified columnar epithelia

distal urethra - male

parotid and mandibular glands

Pseudostratified columnar epithelia

ciliated - trachea and respiratory tract

stereociliated - epididymis

Transitional epithelia

urinary tract

female repro tract