Headway intermediate U4 (HSLU ESB)
Headway intermediate U4 (HSLU ESB)
Headway intermediate U4 (HSLU ESB)
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Set of flashcards Details
Flashcards | 79 |
Language | Deutsch |
Category | English |
Level | University |
Created / Updated | 17.03.2013 / 18.10.2018 |
Licencing | No Copyright (CC0) |
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They feel cut off living so far away.
You can buy some books in electronic form.
You need expensive equipment for some sports.
He greeted me with a cheerful "Hello".
He dug a hole in the sand.
Our new washing machine is very hi-tech.
The government will not give in to terrorists.
If you cut off one of its legs, a new one will regenerate.