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Grundwortschatz Englisch 1

Wörter aus Langenscheidt Grundwortschatz Englisch

Wörter aus Langenscheidt Grundwortschatz Englisch

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Kartei Details

Karten 500
Sprache English
Kategorie Englisch
Stufe Berufslehre
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 19.12.2012 / 24.02.2023
Lizenzierung Kein Urheberrechtsschutz (CC0)
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Wortschatzstory: Ablauf bei der Körperpflege von morgens bis abends

have a shower, wash my body with some soap, dry my body with a towel, dry my hair with a hairdryer, shave my legs with a razor, brush my teeth, look to my haircut/hairdo, I should go to the hairdresser for shampoo and set, comb my hair, apply powder and make up, brush my teeth with a toothbrush and some toothpaste

früher, pflegte zu

used to

 Wortschatzstory:"Tätigkeiten"/Peter would like to look for a job.

Peter would like to look for a job. It's important to have an occupation. Peter decide to begin soon to look for jobs in the newspapers.

  1. He intends (purpose, n.) it.
  2. He plans (plan, n.) it
  3. He prepares (preparation) it
  4. He tries to find sth. (attempt, v./ n.)
  5. It isn't easy to find a job. It gives him a lot of trouble
  6. Then, he managed it. he finds a work! He was very happy!
  7. He works as a school bus driver

Übung, Praxis, Training. Nomen und Verb

practice (Nomen), practise (Verb)

Massnahme, Schritt


Tat, Handlung, Werk, Akt (Nomen)


Handeln, Handlung, Tat (Nomen)



tun, machen