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GOLDfirst Unit 2 "Relative Values"

GOLDfirst Unit 2 "Relative Values" p. 16_25

GOLDfirst Unit 2 "Relative Values" p. 16_25

Kartei Details

Karten 126
Lernende 26
Sprache English
Kategorie Englisch
Stufe Mittelschule
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 04.05.2015 / 20.12.2017
Lizenzierung Namensnennung - Nicht-kommerziell (CC BY-NC)    (DüM)
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deine Meinung ändern, es dir anders überlegen

Her father tried to persuade her to change her mind.

exakt - Genauigkeit

The guide tries to give a fair and accurate description of each hotel.

relativ, jeweilig

The relative methods of both approaches have to be considered.


I spent the holidays at my relatives' house in the countryside - it was lovely.


We must proceed with caution, and not make hasty decisions.

Komfort, Behaglichkeit

The temperature in the pool was too low for comfort.

bequem, komfortabel, gemütlich

The bed was so comfortable, I didn't want to get up!

aufregend, dramatisch

Some of the most dramatic events in American history happened here.