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GlobalEnglish Vocabularies Level 8

All Vocabularies of Level 8 from GlobalEnglish Edge

All Vocabularies of Level 8 from GlobalEnglish Edge



Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 99
Language English
Category English
Level Other
Created / Updated 14.01.2014 / 06.10.2023
Licencing Not defined
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the rank an employee has in a company based on the length of time he or she has worked there


to speak indirectly about something because it is a difficult, sensitive, or uncomfortable matter

beat around the bush

to become too excited or emotional about something

get carried away

to do something with too much enthusiasm or to an extreme degree

go overboard

to support or defend someone or something

stand by

used to tell someone that you don't believe something

I don't buy that/it.

at risk

on the line

extremely upset, frustrated, or angry

worked up