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Final Exam Study Guide for Psychology

This part of the Study Guide includes topics from Recent Mass Shootings in the United States.

This part of the Study Guide includes topics from Recent Mass Shootings in the United States.

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Kartei Details

Karten 13
Sprache English
Kategorie Psychologie
Stufe Universität
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 11.12.2013 / 12.12.2013
Lizenzierung Kein Urheberrechtsschutz (CC0)
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What is the difference between school schooters and artists?


  • Dylan Klebold (1981-1999)
  • Said people suck and wants to kill people. He felt like he had nothing.
  • "I'm stuck in humanity. Maybe going 'NBK' with Eric is the way to break free."
  • Shooting in 1999.

- Aritst:

  • Kurt Cobain (1967-1994)
  • His band (Nirvana) provided him freedom
  • Said he could be creative and fit in the band.
  • "Freedom from pain, suffering, and the external world"
  • Shot himself


  • Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)
  • Was a failed artist (painter)
  • People thought art was boring

Recent Mass Shooting in the U.S.

- "Recent": 1966 to present

- "Mass Shootings" or  "Rampage Killings": The use of a lethal weapon to attempt to kill more than one person. 

- "U.S.": American schools (elementary, secondary, & higher education) and the shooter is or was a part of the school. 

- There was a dramatic increase in the 1990's

- All individualistic countries

-Typically white males in their 20's from rural or suburbam communities. Low percentage from urban (city).

Deadliest Rampage Killings

- 1927 Bath School Disaster (most deadly)

  • Andrew Keehow
  • Killed 38 children and his wife
  • Bomb in school

- 1966 Texas Tower Shooting

  • Charles Whitman
  • Clock Tower in UTAustin with sniper
  • 16 people killed

- 1999 Columbine School Shooting

  • Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris
  • 99 explosive devices in school cafeteria but fortunately didn't go off
  • 12 children killed and 1 teacher

- 2005 Red Lake High School Shooting

  • Jeffrey Weise
  • Killed grandfather (police officer) and stole his guns.
  • 9 people killed in total

- 2007 Virginia Tech University Shooting

  • Seung-Hui Cho
  • Killed his mom and wife
  • Killed 32 people killed

- 2012 Sandy Hook School Shooting

  • Adam Lanza
  • Killed 20 students
  • Very hot day

Probability of a child or adolescence being killed in a school shooting in the U.S.

- Less than 1 in 2 million

Biological Approach to Recent Mass Shootings

Shooters that had problems with their brains

- Charles Whitman: responsible for the Texas Tower Shooting in July 3, 1966.

  • Was the youngest eagle scout in America (12 years old). By 12 he was an expert in shooting guns because his dad was abusive and strict.
  • "After my death I wish that an autopsy would be performed on me to see if there is any visible disorder". And it turns out that he had a brain tumor affecting his amygdala.

- Eric Houston (1972-present)

  • 1992 Lindhurst High School Shooting in California
  • Brain damage due to early sickness and physical abuse.

- Brenda Spencer (1962-present)

  • 1979- Killed 2 adults in elementary school and wounded 8 children in California.
  • Had a seizure disorder and brain damage.

Learning/Cognitive Approach to Recent Mass Shootings

- Learn through media, mental scripts, and can be influenced by movies.

-Movie: Basketball Diaries- Leonardo DiCaprio

- Book: Rage (1977) by Stephan King (Richard Brachman): High school student talking back and gets kicked out so he shoots his teacher.

- Barry Loukaitis (1981-present)

  • Before Columbine Shooting
  • Killed his Algebra teacher and 2 other students, held class hostage for 15 minutes.
  • "This sure beats algebra, doesn't it?"- quote from Rage.

- Movie: Natural Born Killers (NBK) 1994

  • emphasizes killing and fame
  • couple on killing spree, media gets hold of it and they get famous.
  • Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold site this movie.
  • Barry Loukaitis: "Do you deserve to die?"- quoting NBK.

Cognitive Scripts

- Stored in memory and can be used as a mental guide for behavior and problem solving. Help control and regulate behavior. We learn them.

  • Ex: Going to a restaurant we expect to get a host, menu, and order. It gives us a sense on how to act.
  • Media can influence these scripts. Ex: Violent Video Games (r=.2)

- Killers plan a script like a choreography (picture)

Cognitive Scripts and Shooters

- It is likely that school shooters have limited successful cognitive scripts to draw on.

  • Ex: try to change social status by performing

- School shooters have greater than average violent fantasies. 

  • Ex: Michael Carneal wrote stories about elaborate violet fantasies where boys like himself gain power over others with the use of weapons. 
  • Shooting at a high school in Kentucky
  • Killed 3 students