Premium Partner

FHNW Englisch Aufnahmeprüfung 2



Kartei Details

Karten 15
Sprache English
Kategorie Deutsch
Stufe Mittelschule
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 23.04.2016 / 30.12.2017
Lizenzierung Keine Angabe    (Markus Hunziker)
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(i) What about the Entrance Examinations? When . . . ?    (ii) In june, as a rule.

Having only hand luggage, she got out of the airport a few minutes after landing. She . . . to pick up a suitcase from the carousel.

I've come to give a hand with all the preparations. What . . . first?

At the end of the test, the examiner said, "Stop . . . now. Put your pens down. Collect your things and leave."

In some countries a return train ticket costs . . . twice the price of a single ticket.

(i) Who . . . ?     (ii) I think it was Curie.

You can pick me up, then? Great! My train gets in at 4.13 p.m. So let's say I won't phone you . . . I happen to miss the connection in Olten.

(i) Do you know Roger Parker?   (ii) Yes, but we . . . each other very long.