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FCE Unit_9 ways of looking

FCE Unit_9 ways of looking

FCE Unit_9 ways of looking

Set of flashcards Details

Flashcards 26
Language English
Category English
Level Secondary School
Created / Updated 26.12.2014 / 01.06.2015
Licencing Not defined
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glance quickly

schnell schauen

catch a brief glimpse of sb./sth.

jd./etw. fluechtig sehen

glare angrily

wuetende anschauen

glimpse briefly

ganz kurz sehen

peer cautiously

vorsichtig herausschauen

stare wide-eyed / open-mouthed

mit grossen Augen/offenem Mund starren

traeumerisch schauen

gaze dreamly

schnell schauen

glance quickly