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FCE Masterclass Phrasal Verbs U2

Unit 2 - Phrasal verbs with give - Sentences

Unit 2 - Phrasal verbs with give - Sentences

Kartei Details

Karten 8
Sprache Deutsch
Kategorie Englisch
Stufe Andere
Erstellt / Aktualisiert 07.10.2012 / 30.11.2020
Lizenzierung Kein Urheberrechtsschutz (CC0)
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She told everyone about my problem! A friend isn't supposed to ______ your secret ______!

give away

I often _____ my old clothes _____ to the poor.

give away

That's not your Walkman - it's mine. ____ it ____!

give back

Remember to ____ your projects ____ by the end of the week. I won't mark any that are late!

give in

She asked me for the car again and again, so I finally _________ and let her borrow it.

gave in

Many cosmetics companies ___________ free samples of their products for customers to try.

give out

After trying to get him on the phone all morning, I ___________ and left a message.

gave up

I've ______________ my daughter ever passing her exams. I've tried everthing I can think of but she still won't study or revise.

given up on